Community Groups

At the heart of the Small Groups Ministry is the desire to see a community of believers who worship Jesus, love one another, and embrace the vision of GBC: to glorify God by intentionally helping another follow Christ more. 

Citrus Heights

Led by Peter & Lilly Janicki
Meets on the 2nd & 4th Friday of the month for dinner at 6:00 pm and breaks out for a time of worship and fellowship centered in God’s word at 7:00 pm. Childcare is not provided.


Led by Jim & Teri Kuhle
We meet every other Thursday  at midday to help those who are unable to get out in the evening or who have varied work schedules. We enjoy fellowship, an extended time of prayer, and welcoming others to join us in opening God's Word together.


Led by Rich & Chris Miner
Elverta Community Group meets at the Miner’s house on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month at 6:00 for dinner and breaks at 7:30 pm for discussion from Pastor Ricks's latest sermon. Childcare is not provided.

Fair Oaks

Led by the Wolins & the Klings
They meet once a month on Friday night together, and in subsequent weeks with men only and women only. Childcare is available offsite with notice. 

Fair Oaks Bluff

Led by the Gregorys & the Jones
The Fair Oaks Bluffs Community Group meets  every other Thursday.  At 6:30, they share dinner, and at 7:30 they have a focused time studying God's word. Childcare is provided. 

Fair Oaks Sunset

Led by the Messers & the  Houghams
Fair Oaks Sunset meets every  Thursday at 7:00 pm for a time of focused discussion. Childcare is  provided. 

Fair Oaks Village

Led by John & Sharon Cassidy
The Fair Oaks Village Community Group meets every other Friday. At 6:30, they share dinner, and at 7:30 they have a focused time studying God's word. Childcare is provided. 


Led by the George & Lisbet Liepart
The Folsom Community Group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Men meet on the first Wednesday. Women meet on the second Wednesday. Everyone meets on the third Wednesday. Childcare is not provided.

Granite Bay North

Led by David & Caroline Wang
The Granite Bay North Community Group meets every other Friday at 6:30 PM to worship God by discussing His Word, praying, and fellowshipping together. 

Granite Bay South

Led by the Gregorys and the Santoses
Meets every other Friday at 6:30 for dinner and then gather around the Word at 7:30. They alternate meeting between the leader homes.

Lake Natoma

Led by Toly & Mary Molitvenik
Meets weekly on Thursdays at 6:00pm for fellowship and group discussion.  Children are welcome. 

Orangevale Park

Led by the Dzhangetovs & the Lakhnos 
Meets on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Thursdays at 6:30 pm for discussion & application from the teaching on Sunday morning. Children are welcome! 

Orangevale West 

Led by Peter & Mary Robertshaw
The Orangevale West Community meets on the 1st & 3rd Fridays at the Robertshaw's house for Potluck Dinner at 6:00 pm and then they discuss how to apply Pastor Rick's latest sermon. 


Led by Mark & Torrey Hardy
Meets on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Thursdays for dinner at 6:30 and  a time of worship, bible study, and prayer at 7:15. Children are welcome. 


Led by the Byers and Curtises 
Meets in Roseville on the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Thursday's @ 6:30 pm for a time of fellowship, teaching, and small group discussion. The purpose of the group is to build deep life-on-life relationships. Childcare is  provided. 

Sierra Oaks/Sac

Salas & Sears
Meets in Sacramento on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays @ 7:00 pm. On the 3rd Thursday, they meet at 6:00 pm for a Potluck Dinner. Childcare is  provided.

Rancho Cordova

Led by the Wagoners & Huggins
Meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7:00 pm for focused discussion.  On the 3rd Thursday they meet at 6:00pm for potluck dinner.