The Man of God Conference
The Man of God Conference is for men who desire to be equipped to faithfully fulfill the calling of God on their lives as fathers, husbands, brothers, leaders, and churchmen. Through the preaching of God’s Word, Christ-centered worship, and genuine fellowship, the Man of God Conference seeks to equip and enable every man to be the kind of man God has called him to be.
Grace Theological Institute
GTI is a strategic theological training course that Grace Bible Church offers for men who regularly attend Grace Bible. GTI is a semester-based, systematic theology class offered on Saturday mornings at 7:00 am. Each semester the men study a different theological discipline. The class is taught by Pastor Rick, and is a great encouragement to men who are eager to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God's Word.
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Once a month men gather at breakfast for a short devotional and time of prayer. They meet the last Thursday of each month at 7:00 am.
Tuesday Night Bible Study
The men's Bible study meets in Orangevale on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. They enjoy a time of refuge from the world with fellowship and encouragement, while sharpening and challenging one-another to draw closer to Christ-likeness in both thought and deed. They pray for specific needs, concerns, and struggles and then spend time in the Word, discussing questions, word-studies, and commentary reading the men have been working through over the last week. If you desire to fellowship with like-minded men and to grow in your walk with Christ, come join us on Tuesday night!