
Rooted Youth Ministry 

Jr. High - Sr. High 


Rooted Ministry currently meets from 6:30-8:30 pm on Wednesday Evenings. The students  spend time worshiping the Lord in song together, praying together, and then studying the Word of God. Because we are committed to life-on-life discipleship, there are a variety of small groups that meet together throughout the week as well. These groups are led by faithful and mature men and women who love students and want to see them live for Christ. Contact us below for the current meeting location! 

Monthly Events

Each month we get together for a fun event where we  all participate in an exciting activity! Activities vary by month, but  often we will have Pastors Place hang outs at the church. Subscribe to our  notifications on the Grace Fair Oaks App under Connect > Notifications> Youth Group to get updates!

RENEW  Winter Camp

At RENEW we study God's Word together, and we spend lots of time talking about how the Word of God is able to transform our lives. In January, we'll be going back to Zephyr Cove, Lake Tahoe  and are looking forward to a weekend full of spiritual rejuvenation and snowy fun! 

STMI Trips

Short Term Mission Internships

Each summer, our church sends out teams to share the gospel! Each team member is required to participate in accountability and training meetings to prepare them for the trip challenging them to discipline themselves for the purpose of godliness. For more info, read our Philosophy of Short Term Missions, click below.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.