Worship through Preaching
At Grace Bible Church we believe that the preaching of God's Word, the Bible, shapes everything else we do as a church. Therefore, we unashamedly preach the Word. Grace Bible is committed to the expositional preaching of God's Word, which means that we teach through the various books of the Bible in a verse by verse fashion. Our great desire is to understand the Word of God, so that we will know God rightly and live for His glory.

Worship through Song
At Grace Bible Church we prioritize the singing of theologically rich songs that are distinctly focused on the person and work of Christ. With that priority comes our commitment to congregational singing. We love to hear believers sing out to Jesus together, and so the majority of our worship in song is focused on the congregation worshipping with their voices.

Worship through Giving
Like many churches, the financial support of Grace Bible Church is provided through the offerings given by those who regularly attend. These offerings are given either by placing a gift in the offering slot at the Welcome Desk in the lobby of the church, or through the GBC App. Guests attending should not feel obligated to participate in financial support of the church.
Equipping Hour
On Sunday mornings we have several opportunities to engage with others in fellowship. We offer refreshments and coffee where people are able to informally engage others. We also provide equipping classes that enable smaller groups to learn together and apply God’s Word to different aspects of our lives. Of course, we encourage you to “stick around” after our services and engage in opportunities to get to know others within the church!
Does it matter what I wear?
When visiting a church, people often wonder what to wear. At Grace Bible Church, we focus on the heart more than the outward appearance. When you come to one of our weekend services, you will find people dressed in a wide variety of styles from formal suits and dresses, to people wearing more casual clothes, like jeans or shorts. However, most people find themselves somewhere in the middle - most often wearing business casual. We do ask that people wear clothing that does not draw attention to themselves. We think that what you wear to church should not distract from others who desire to worship around you. We want all of the attention to go to Jesus Christ.

A note from the Pastor
Whether you are looking for a church or just wanting to find online encouragement in your relationship to God through Jesus Christ, we desire to be a valuable resource. Our joy as Christians is to realize the grace of God that is free to anyone who will come to Him by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of sin. God desires to save any sinner who will repent – those who He has chosen as the objects of His grace for His own glory!
We would rejoice to see you at Grace Bible when we assemble on Sundays. We invite you to come – and when you do, please introduce yourself to us; we would be blessed to meet you! After the morning worship service, there is a time set aside for visitors to have coffee with one of our Elders. It would be a true delight to meet you. If you cannot visit us, please take advantage of the resources that are available on our website. Let us know if we can be of any further help!