Parenting: The Middle Years

CR Messer, Toly Molitvenik, John Cassidy

In the first chapter of Proverbs, Solomon cries out, "Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and do not forsake your mother's teaching." The middle years of parenting (ages 6-12) provide a crucial time for instruction, teaching, and training. Having established a pattern of obedience during the early years, parents can now shift their focus to teaching their children "the full counsel of God". This class will discuss what discipline, instruction, and encouragement look like during this key training phase. We will see how critical it is for parents to grow in their own relationship with Christ as well as deepen the relationship they have with their kids in advance of their teen years.

All are welcome, though space is limited and priority will be given to parents with at least one child between ages 6-12. Married couples are encouraged to take the course together, if possible.